Last weekend I installed the Siemens 24 volt contactors and connected them to the LedWiz. Now it becomes real pinball feeling ;)
A total of eight contactors have been installed, four "normal" for the slingshots right/left and flipper finger right/left and four bigger ones for the bumper simulation. I have chosen the larger ones because the bumpers in the pinball machines usually sounds a bit fatter. You can hear the difference in the test video below very good. Before that I've measured the power consumption of the large contactors because I wasn't sure if the LedWiz goes along with this. They need about 330 mA, which is not a problem for a short time, even if sometimes more contactors are switching simultaneously. Don't forget the freewheeling diode between the positive and negative contact of the contractors - these serve to protect against overvoltage (in this case, the coil of the contactor) that is obtained when shutting down an inductive DC load.